Fact-Checking Policy

1) In all of its material,The Tazakhaber is dedicated to publishing truthful information.We take a number of actions to gurantee truth, including challenging conventional wisdom, challenging assumptions, and conducting skeptical investigation into assertions.

2) Our goal is to ensurd that all of its output is accurate.This dedication is essential to our standing and audiences’ confidence.The word “due” implies that the accuracy must be sufficient and suitable for the output, taking into consideration the topic and type of content, and that any limitations that might affect that expection be specifically mentioned or emphasized.

3) This implies that everything of our output needs to be properly sourced, supported by the evidence that is currently available, and appropriate for its nature and topic.We make an effort to avoid baseless supposition and to be forthright and honest about what we don’t know.

4) None of our journalists intentionally misrepresent facts or context, including visual information, or plagiarize.

5) We look for independent confirmation from sources to support statements, facts, and accusations, particularly those made by public figures or anybody with a purpose other than just reporting the facts.It is customary to credit claims, allegation, material facts, and other items that cannot be verified.

6) The Tazakhaber believes that the information it provides is truthfull and stands by it.We promptly update the news item or information if it is shown to be incorrect.Our audiences are not intentionally and materially misled by us.We avoid misrepresenting facts or passing off made-up information as truth in order to erode the confidence of our audience in our work.Serious factual errors are acknowledged and promptly, appropriately, and clearly corrected.

7) We give the public a fair chance to point out any mistakes or inaccuracies in our reporting by including a “Suggest A Correction” section at the conclusion of each published webstory.

8) Reporting, writing, and fact-checking stories are the main duties of our journalists.One or more editors may assess the stories.For stories that need careful consideration, the Tazakhaber features a multi-level fact-checking system.Complexity, sensitivity, and time constraints are some of the variables that affect the seniority of editors who evaluate an article before it is published.

Our Policies About Correction

Even though Tazakhaber.com is always working to improve and be accurate, we accept that mistakes will happen from time to time.When these mistakes occur, Tazakhaber.com will be held accountable for fixing them and will uphold a high standard or transparency to ensurev that everyone involved is convinced the false information won’t get out.

Each party must do the actions listed below in order to meet the objectives of quality, accuracy, and transparency.

The reader must get in touch with the editor-in-chief personally before a correction can be formally submitted.Corrections submitted to other Tazakhaber.com staff members may not be addressed in a timely manner or at all.

If send by email or mail, corrections should include the corrections, the issue date or number, where the correction was seen (in print, online, etc.) the reader’s name and a phone number or email address they can be contacted at.Readers should also include the corret information and a source for where they found that information, if applicable.For example, if a student senate vote tally was incorrect, please provide the minutes from that meeting.

The reader can expect a response from the editor-in-chief and may be contacted further if a clarification is noted or the editor needs more informations.please note that a correction submission is a guarantee that the error will be investigated but not a guarantee that a correction will be issued.

The Tazakhaber.com:

When the editor-in-chief is informed of a mistake, he or she will look into it using the reader’s information, meeting minutes, the reporter’s recordings, and any further information that is at hand.

In the event that an error is discovered, the chief editor will rectify the information in all formats where it was wrongly distributed.


Corrections will be printed on page 2A in the next issue published.The correction will denote the issue, article and incorrect information along with the correction.


The article will be corrected and an editor’s note will be added to the bottom of the article nothing what was incorrect and when the article was changed.

Social Media:

A post pointing to the updated article and mentioning the error will be issued if the piece was sharde on Facebook, Twitter, or any other website under the control of Tazakhaber.com.

The editor-in-chief will get in touch with the reader who submitted the correction after it has been made to let them know what was done to fix the mistake.

Contact Us:

If you would like to report a potential inaccuracy or if you have queries or issues regarding the content provided on Tazakhaber.com.Please contact us at:

Email:- tazakhaber01@gmail.com





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